Friday, February 27, 2009

Eight Of Clubs!!!

The eight of clubs was saved twice. One as a 24-bitmap and the other as a Monochrome bitmap.
The difference between a 24-bitmap and a Monochrome bitmap is the file size. The 24-bitmap file size is alot larger than the Monochrome bitmap file size.
The file size for the Monochrome bitmap is 10KB as opposed to the 24-bitmap file size which is 228KB.
I think there is a difference in the file size because the 24-bitmap has more colours and has a nicer effect on the saved image and the Monochrome bitmap has slightly less effects and colours.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Paint Tools!!!

Fill With Colour
This helps you to fill the whole area with a certain colour you might choose. If you need to fill the background colour, all you have to do is click that space with the right button on the mouse and if you need the foreground coloured you have to click the left button on the mouse.

Using the Paint Brush
This helps you to create the effect that looks like you painted the picture with a brush. To use this you just need to click a colour and drag the mouse pointer.

Using an Airbrush Effect
This helps you to create an image that looks like it was spray painted. To use it all you have to do is choose a colour and drag the mouse pointer.

Using the Eraser
This helps you to rub out the things that are not needed on your picture. To erase a section that you want you just have to drag the mouse pointer to the area you want erased.

Using the Pencil
This allows you to draw a free form line. To use it to draw all you have to do is drag the mouse pointer and draw.

Drawing a Curve

This helps you to draw curves . All you have to do is to draw a straight line and then click where you want your curve to be. You could also change the colour of the line.

Drawing a Polygon
This helps you to draw different shapes. You could also colour the shape. To draw the shape you have to click and drag the mouse pointer.

This helps you to type in words that go with your image. To use this all you have to do is drag the mouse pointer to create the text frame. Then you click inside the frame and just type.

Drawing a straight line
This helps you to draw a straight line on your picture. To use it all you have to do is drag the mouse pointer to where you want.

Drawing a circle
This helps you to draw either circles or eclipses. To use it drag the mouse pointer. To draw a perfect circle, press shift.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Digital Art......Real Art???

Art. A word we think we know what it means, but do we really. We think we know what is called 'Art'. So here's the question, Is Digital Art, Real Art? Well let's first start off with the question of 'What is Art???' then 'Is Digital Art aValid Form of Art???' .

What is Art???
Art is all around us. Could you imagine a world where art doesn't exist? There wouldn't be any paintings or cartoons or picture books which means no entertainment and boredom all day long. Art makes our different parts of our brain make us laugh, cry etc. Art is the process of purposely arranging or rearranging elements in the way that it appeals to our feelings. Another definition of art is the creation of beautiful and meaningful things. Personally I don't agree with this quote because if you want to create something, it doesn't have to be beautiful or meaningful as long as you like it that's all that matters.

Is Digital Art a Valid Form Of Art???
The more we go into the future the more we see that technology is improving and developing further and further. The more computers develop the more people use them for every day things like art. But is digital art really a valid form of art??? Some people however like traditional artists worry that people would become so dependent on computers and technology that they will eventually lose their abilities and talents to use oil colours, paints, etc to create art

If you ask me, I say that Digital Art is a form of art because art is a way of expressing yourself, even if it is on the computer.

Now that we know what art is and if digital art is considered as real art we can move onto the advantages of digital paint and drawing programs over the traditional canvas and paint. Also the skills you must have to create a good piece of digital art.

Advantages of Digital Art over Traditional Art
Though some people think that digital art isn't really art, it does have its advantages over traditional art. For example the amount of time and work to be put into an animated cartoon would be reduced and it would be easily produced. Also it is very useful for people who have little skill, experience, perspective or judgement create very professional-like work. Less training is required to work with digital art. This is one of the reasons more and more people use digital art.

What skills must s digital artist possess to create great digital art???
Just because digital art is done on the computer it doesn't mean that it doesn't require skill. To be a good digital artist you need a mix of artistic talent as well as computer skill. Creating a painting for digital art is quite similar to creating a painting on a canvas , which would mean you, as the artist, need to have the same passion, skills and creative design. Digital art is just another way of expressing yourself through a visual representation.




Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Digital Media!!!

Digital Media Surrounding Me!!!
-Digital Television
-IPod/MP3 Players
-Video Game

What number system is digital data based on? What two digits are used to code all digital data?
The number system that digital data is based on is called the 'Binary Numeral System'. The two digits that are used to code all digital data are the numbers zero (0) and one (1).

Bits and Bytes
A Bit is a Binary Digit. It is the smallest unit of measurement for the storage of information in computers.
A Byte is a collection of eight bits. It is also known as an 'Octet'.

Sample Rate
Sampling Rate!!!
Sampling Rate is the when measuring the audio signal at certain points at a time. The Sampling rate is measured in 'Hertz'.

How does Colour Depth or Bit Depth effect the appearance of an image?
The Colour Depth or Bit Depth is the computer term for describing the number of bits used to represent the colour of one single pixel in an image or video. A higher colour depth would give a broader range of colours.

Drawing tools in Word

This is my picture and her name is Jenny. I created her using the autoshapes and freeform drawing lines in Microsoft Word. I created the title using Wordart. To upload it from Word I just printed the screen onto paint. And that is how I created Jenny.