Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Image File Types

This is the next IST task. I am so behind on my work. I am only up to task 9.0. In this task I have to describe GIF files, JPEG files, Animated GIF files, MPEG files, and Shockwave files.

GIF Files

So a GIF file is great for storing drawings that have alot of the same colour pixels. This is because in a GIF file, all the number of colours are reduced to 256. It then runs the same colour pixels encoded in a colour and the number of pixels in a format. For example: If there are 100 pixels on a picture with the colour of 41 , the image file keeps the colour of 41 and the length of 100.

That's all for GIF files now on to JPEG files

JPEG Files

A JPEG file does not create a perfect copy of the original image like a GIF file although it uses a much more complex technique to compress pictures. It can compress photos where each pixel colour is different. Now onto Animated GIF files.

Animated GIF Files

An animated GIF is a series of GIF files joined together and shown one after another. If there are enough frames the animation could look realistic. The size of the file is the sum of the GIF files used to create the series.

Monday, April 6, 2009

animation task

This task was not that hard now that I have done my assignment. It was alot easier to do than the assignment. All I did to create this was I drew a yellow circle on Gimp and I added the petals each time I added a layer. Uploading it to my blog was a bit hard because I had to make a Photobucket account and upload it onto there. Then after I finished I uploaded it to my Blog. This took about two lessons.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Assignment Journal!!!

Monday 9th March
Today I started to figure out how to use Inkscape and Gimp. Let me just tell you, its not as easy as it looks. It took me several tries to figure out how to use it. At first I couldn't animate the pictures that I wanted to because they weren't svg files. [ I had to ask Mr Lennon for help]. I decided to have a dove and a sun on the Caritas banner.

Tuesday 10th March
Today I changed my mind about my animation because I thought the dove was too hard to animate and I couldn't trace the dove properly, it ended up really ugly. I am going to use the motto "In Deed Not Word". I decided on using Inkscape. I never knew that Gimp was so hard to use. I couldn't figure out how to make my pictures move. It got very frustrating. I chose Inkscape because I found it easier to make the pictures move and also easier to edit the images.

Friday 13th March
Today I tried on deciding on what to put onto my animation. I am going to have a banner with a sun in sunglasses and clouds drifting away. I am also going to make the sun speak with a speech bubble.

Tuesday 17th March
Today I started to make the first frame of my animation. I then realised that I didn't know how to export the still frame from Inkscape. I had to ask Mr Lennon for help (again). He taught me how to do it and I got the first 10 frames done and saved to my USB. The frames were saved as PNG images.

Monday23rd March
Today I continued making my animation. At this rate I was aiming for maybe 100 frames and about 10seconds. This would mean I would have alot of work to do.

Friday 27th March
Today I am half way through finishing my animation. I changed my mind again and I decided that I am going to add shoes walking in. Inkscape is starting to get easier, now that I finally know how to use it.

Monday 30th March
Yay! Today I nearly finished my frames! I can't wait till I finish. I want to see my animation move automatically. I thought that this assignment wasn't THAT hard once I knew how to work the programs.

Tuesday 31st March
I'm so happy today. I finished my frames for my animation! Now there's only one problem. I don't know how to upload my frames onto Gimp! I also don't know how to upload the finished product onto my Blog! I asked a friend to help me and she showed me how to do it but it was about to finish and my computer froze and the bell rang. So now I'm left to do it on my own.

1st April-April Fools Day!
I finished ny assignment! Not really, April Fools. Any way, today I went to the library at lunch to do the assignment. I found the tutirial on StudentNet on how to upload my frames into Gimp but there was a problem when I started to do it. It played backwards for some reason. Plus the bell rang so I just deleted it.

2nd April
Today I tried to upload my frames to Gimp again at lunch but it still played backwards and my computer froze again. It got very frustrating. I still don't know how to upload the finished product onto my Blog and the assignment is due tomorow!!!=0