Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Tuesday 30th June 2009

Today Mr Lennon was away again and we got an extension on our assignment. We looked up some sounds for our sound track from http://www.findsounds.com/ISAPI/search.dll. We found really usefull sounds but it didn't have any mysterious sounds. Also we filmed the infringement scene this morning.

Data Compression

What is Data Compression???

Data Compression is the process of converting data or information into code using less bits than one that hasn't been converted would use through the use of specific encoding schemes.

What is data compression ratio???

The data compression ratio is also known as compression power. It is a computer term used to determine the reduction of the data represenation size.

Why is data compression an important technique for the online world?

Well data compression is important for the online world because it saves a lot of space.

Monday, June 29, 2009

RSS Feeders and Readers

Definition of RSS Feeders:

An RSS is the format that is used for distributing news and other information put on a website.

What goes in the feed???

The things that go in the feed are text, audio, images, logos and video.

What can a feed do for you???

Well a feed keeps your audience up to date. It allows other people to see your info without having to go directly to your website. It saves a lot of time and frustration.

How are feeds different from emails???

Feeds are different from emails because emails are a delivery method that is often filled with spam, resulting in people no wanting to give away their email addresses. Feeds on the other hand are secure delivery methods. The comments are annonymous and there is no spam.

How do people read feeds???

People read feeds by using a news reader or content aggregator.

How do you find feeds you want to subscribe to???

Usually the feed will have a key word search and the people reading won't realise they are reading feed content

Monday 29th June 2009

Today Mr Lennon was away so we can't use the skool cameras to upload our video assignment. We have already filmed more than half our film and uploaded the first few scenes. We just have to do about 2 more scenes and upload them. We also need to narrate over our film and add a sound track. We also finished the story board today.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Monday 22nd June 2009

Today we tried uploading what we have filmed so far. My camera couldn't upload the videos so we used the skool cameras. We had to make all the files mpg files for them to be able to upload into Zune Convertor. We are also going to film the park scene again. Next lesson we will experiment with movie maker.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Tuesday 9th June 2009

Today we discussed what we are going to do in our assignment. We decided to base it on Fairytales but we would twist it around a little. We are going to use the story Little Red Riding Hood and base it on our school life. We wrote up a list of what we need and the characters involved in it.
The characters are Little Red Riding Hood, Teacher, Stranger, Policemen and Little Red's Friend. The places in it are Park, Classroom, Outside of school and in school. The props needed are a red cloak, art supplies, handcuffs, toy guns and a black cloak.

Monday 15th June 2009

Today we are continuing with our assignment. We started drawing up our story board. We decided to work on this at lunch so we booked a seminar room. We also continued with our script.
The cast of our play includes:
Little Red-Diana Lam
Mum-Julia Yang
Stranger-Debie Khazen
Police1- Julia Yang
Police2-debie Khazen
Friends group/Xtras-Arveen Kaur, Arianne Adlao, Sadie Arida, Princess Chalhoub, others

Tuesday 16th June 2009

Today we worked on our storyboard. We brought in some of the props and will start filming tomorow morning. We also continued working on our script. We plan to shoot the morning scene where Little Red walks out of the train and walks to school tomorow.

Wednesday 17th June 2009
Today we came to skool early to work on our asssignment. We started shooting the morning scene where little red exits the train and walks to skool with her friends. These shots didn't turn out very well so we are just going to keep them as back ups or bloopers.

Thursday 18th June 2009

Today we shot the park scene. We each told our xtras to bring in mufti clothes fot the scene. We filmed this at lunch. Some of it turned out pretty well but we are going to re shoot a better one on Monday because some of our extras are away on a History Elective excursion.

Friday 19th June 2009

Today we worked on the story board and the script. We also came early to shoot the morning scene again because the first one wan't that good.We also studied the parts we already filmed.

Monday, June 1, 2009

My Video

This is my video about really cute puppies. I made it by importing a whole lot of pics into Windows Moviemaker. I made a title for my video. I also added video transitions and video effects. I made the colours change by using Video Effects. I made the pics change from one to another by using video transitions.