Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Scratch Tutorials!!! Animate It

This is the tutorial called Animate It. I tried this out and created a shark that is moving and swimming in the water. To do this I had to first open up Scratch. I had to pick different pics to make it look like its moving. Then I had to pick the buttons from the Control section. These show the time limit, when to start my animation and how long it would be to wait. I then had to go to the Looks section. This shows which costume (picture) to move to. I then picked out my backgrounds. I chose to import a background of the ocean for my animation. This also needed to be assissted with the Control and looks section. I also chose a water sound in the background. This is put in order when I went to the Sound section and chose when and how long to play the sound.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

FlowChart Egs

Today I am making flowcharts. Here are some egs of the ones I made. Click the image to enlarge it.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Computers never do what you want them to do, they only do what you tell them to!

Algorithms- They are step by step procedure for problem solving. Computer codes are often algorithms.

Pseudocode- This is a high level code. It is usually used to show a rough idea of the general steps in an algorithm without needing to write the actual code.

Machine Language- This is also know as Machine Code. It is a set of coded instructions that the computer can use without any translation.

High Level Computer Language- Computer Language is an arrangement of instructions used to develop softwares for computers. This is the language for computers and they understand what they need to do.

Flowchart- It is a representation using symbols to show a sequence of activities.
The symbols used for:
Begining and ending a set of instructions

Decision Making

A process or action